We’re all used to showing our teeth off for photographs. But when it comes to your dentist in Danville, we’re more interested in you smiling for a different kind of picture — dental x-rays. Chances are you’ve experienced these diagnostic images at your dental appointments, but what exactly are dental… Read More…
American Heart Health Month is celebrated every February and strives to raise awareness of the prevalence of heart disease in America, as well as offer tips on how to reduce your risk of heart disease. But why is your dentist in Danville talking about heart health? Great question. The truth… Read More…
Fun fact: tooth enamel is the hardest substance in our bodies which helps make our teeth super-strong and resistant to damage. But just because our teeth are incredibly durable doesn’t mean that they’re immune to injury. Additionally, unlike other parts of the human body, teeth can’t heal or fix themselves,… Read More…
New Year’s Resolutions are made each and every January and can range from committing to eating healthier to training to run your first marathon and anything in between. But all resolutions typically have the same underlying notion — to get healthier. This year is no different, and we may actually… Read More…
Getting caught kissing under the mistletoe is a long-time holiday tradition that spans centuries. But did you know that this holiday smooch can also lead to some unwanted problems? Of course, kissing anyone can transfer cold or viruses, but your dentist in Danville also knows that smooches may also increase… Read More…
There are many misconceptions about oral health. One of the more common misconceptions is that plaque and tartar are the same things and that the terms can be used interchangeably. While this isn’t completely false, it is a bit misleading and something that your dentist in Danville wants to clear… Read More…
Having dental work isn’t like other procedures where you can eat whatever you want afterward. In fact, it can be difficult to find something you can easily eat after dental treatment. Whether you’re recovering from oral surgery, a dental implant placement, a root canal, or even a filling and are… Read More…
Facemasks are now a common thing in all of our lives. We see them hanging from rearview mirrors as we drive down the road, everyone in the grocery store is masked up, and they’re even starting to become a fashion statement to some. While facemasks are encouraged in public places… Read More…
Over the past couple of months, you may have been feeling more stressed out than usual, and rightfully so. Our lives have changed, some dramatically, and there’s a lot of uncertainty about the future and a bigger focus on staying healthy than maybe ever before. But believe it or not,… Read More…
When you’re choosing the right milk for your family, you certainly have a lot of options to pick from these days. From milk made from almonds to milk made from coconuts, and from soy milk to cow’s milk, the dairy aisle is packed with so many different varieties of milk,… Read More…