Almost all of us have experienced the annoyance and pain associated with tooth sensitivity. In fact, the Academy of General Dentistry estimates that 40 million American adults have sensitive teeth. That’s quite a lot of people who suffer from those unexpected zings of nerve pain every day. So many, in… Read More…
If you’ve surfed the internet at all over the last few years, chances are you’ve seen claims of how certain DIY smile whitening treatments can transform your teeth. While we understand how tempting it can be to try these easy and affordable trends to get a brighter, whiter smile, your… Read More…
Tooth loss is, unfortunately, incredibly common. In fact, more than 36 million Americans don’t have any natural teeth. For these people, dentures can be an excellent solution. Dentures not only replace teeth, they can also help restore confidence and the lives of those who get them. However, your dentist in… Read More…
We know it’s a pretty gross thing to talk about, but to your dentist in Danville, spit is a pretty important part of oral health. Even though it may be considered rude to spit, or maybe to even talk about it, this extra saliva plays a key role in keeping… Read More…
On November 14, the world will celebrate World Diabetes Day, a momentous occasion that serves to bring awareness to the seriousness of diabetes. In fact, more than 30 million Americans alone are living with the disease. But why is your dentist in Danville talking about a disease that affects the… Read More…
This time of year, there’s football and Halloween fun festivities. There’s also a lot of fright and anxiety going on, and your dentist in Danville isn’t referring to haunted houses and ghosts. We’re talking to the patients who genuinely dread having a dental appointment looming on their calendar like a… Read More…
We know it’s October, and we don’t really want to talk about it, but the holidays will soon be here. We already know one of the biggest fall favorites is Halloween, coming at the end of this month. Your dentist in Danville knows that this is the time of year… Read More…
Have you ever heard someone talk about the connection between your body, mind, and soul? Your dentist in Danville thinks that maybe our mouths should be included with this special connection, too. The fact is that current research and dental technologies are continuing to evolve and improve. As this happens,… Read More…
If there’s one thing your dentist in Danville will tell you after losing a filling, it’s don’t panic. We know that having a dental restoration come loose or fall out can be annoying, and even a bit painful. If you’ve lost a filling, you’re probably trying to figure out what… Read More…
We all know that traditional smoking can put us at increased risk for many serious health concerns such as heart disease and cancer. But what about these newer, ‘safer’ electronic cigarettes that claim to help people quit smoking or at least cause fewer health risks? As it turns out, these… Read More…